The Knickerbocker Crest
(Many Thanks to Paul Knickerbocker who presented the hand painted Crest to The Knickerbocker Historical Society from which this image was taken. Additional thanks to George Walker for taking this picture in July 1997 and providing the digital processing.)
The following is an excerpt found on page 74 of Sketches of Allied Families Knickerbacker - Viele written by Kathlyne Knickerbacker Viele in 1916. She, along with Dr. Van Alstyne, was probably the most knowledgeable family historian. It seems evident from her tone that she feels the Coat of Arms may not relate to the Knickerbocker family.
The Coat of Arms
In the parlor of the Knickerbacker mansion at Old Schaghticoke long hung a painting of a Coat of Arms. It is about two feet square and is of the size of the family Coats of Arms which the Dutch used to hang over their pews in the seventeenth century. An examination of this painting seems to confirm it as an ancient one of about that period. This can be gathered from the character of the canvas and of the pigments employed. It consists of a shield surmounted by a lion rampant. On the shield is a lion and three losenges. On the white ribbon below there is no motto, although a motto is assigned to this family-"Die Strydt met fortuyn wint." There is a book plate used by the family in recent years consisting of this Coat of Arms with the motto on the ribbon beneath.
Beneath the Coat of Arms in the parlor at Schaghticoke is the name of "Knickerbacker"-stuck on in separate Gothic letters, which is, I am told, a modern addition. On the back of the Coat of Arms is written, if I rightly recall, -"of the seventeenth century."
Nothing authentic is to be found concerning this Coat of Arms except that Mr. Edmund Knickerbacker in 1887 calls it a "Van Berghen Coat of Arms," and he received it and whatever information he had concerning it from the Schaghticoke Knickerbackers. Some evidence should be produced to prove that it was brought over by that soldier of fortune, Hermen Jansen Van Wye kyckacke, or else it would seem part of the Van Berghen myth. (End…)