99. Clark Alan Knickerbocker was born on 23 Apr 1948 in Pittsfield, MA.
He was married to Anne Thoubboron
(daughter of Frank William Thoubboron and
Eileen) on 5 Sep 1970 in Pittsfield, MA. Anne Thoubboron
was born UNKNOWN in Pittsfield, MA. Clark Alan Knickerbocker and Anne Thoubboron
had the following children:
130 i.
Steven Joeseph Knickerbocker was born on 18 Sep 1975 in Buffalo, NY.
131 ii.
John Paul Knickerbocker was born on 27 Feb 1978 in Naperville, Ill..
132 iii.
Jill Knickerbocker was born UNKNOWN.